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Saturday, October 25, 2008
8:58 AM

So, I'm back again =)
School ended two days ago. I guess I'm kinda sad, I mean I did spend the last two years of my life with the 04 people, and now it's like the first time that we are gonna really disband. I hate change, don't really see the need for change, it just makes everyone insecure.
I chose track D, and then found out that no one really wanted to go the triple science route, I almost wanted to change it to C just cause I figured more people who I knew would take C, and given the fact that I really never liked science in the first place,  I kinda figured that I would drop bio come next year. But then it didn't really make sense to do something like that.
I guess I should be happy about meeting more people,getting more friends, expanding my social circle blahblahblah... but the thing is, there is that chance where I might not like the class next year. And I'm trying to get all hyped up by telling myself that the next two years of my life are gonna be awesome, but like I said, I HATEHATEHATE change. And the thing is, I probably won't be talking to like half of the 204 people next year anymore just cause we are not gonna be in the same class, and that sucks, cause once you get over the fact that we suck at the whole bonding thing, the people there are actually nice, and come next year, everyone just might start acting like we have'nt been together for the past two years, and like we barely know each other. Scratch that, everyone WILL start acting like complete strangers. And trust me, I'll be more than happy to be proven wrong.
So now apparently everything in my life is screwed up even though it's the holidays and I'm suppose to be having the time of my life. Next year is gonna be a year of BIG changes. Next year will set the tone on how I'm gonna live my life for the next two years.
O what joy.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
1:57 AM

hey guys, i cant believe im actually blogging....haha its been like almost a year!!! 
anyho today was a really bad day, so im very bleah-ish right now and i just really 
wanted to talk to someone, but of course there was noone, and i really didnt want to 
relive the horrible events that happened =( so i tot of doing this =) (which kinda means 
that im just gona start going on and on about nothing...so if you'd really rather not 
waste your time then....yeah you should know what to do) kay so here goes: i came up 
with a theory that once your day starts of shit, there's no way you are gonna be able to 
make it better, which sucks ALOT...but it always happens to me. but everytime it 
happens i actually have this glimmer of hope that maybe just MAYBE it's gonna turn 
out to be an awesome day after all.so  i should have known that today was  suck cause 
in the morning ms latifah came into class and she was'nt the happiest person on earth, 
and i should have just taken that as a sign o well...but the worst thing was that it was'nt 
only one thing that happened today, it was alot of things. i really hate that all bad 
things that happen to me have to come together, they just cant come one by one in 
their little forms of misery.nope, they have to be united. its been what??the 3rd shit 
day in 2 weeks???? its all starting to really suck, and the only way i can make myself 
feel better is by telling myself that if its been a horrible day, it only means that there 
will be a super awesome day to make up for it. yin yang =) everything has to balance 
out. and i guess maybe the bad things that hapened werent really that bad, its just the 
fact that it was one thing happening after another, like we had inno sci today and i was 
actually looking forward to it, but we switched ova n now im doing moral science which 
basically is like PD but not =( i know its really no big deal, and i was actually alright 
before that, but after that, everything just started to go downhill, cept maybe the chem 
test.i could tell you more, but why would i wana make you feel as bleah-ed out as i do 
right now? btw this blogging thing is really making me feel better =) haha...i never 
believed it when people swore by blogging to release their stress, but the more i think 
of it, the more i think its actually working. i might actually start blogging more (yeah 
right, dont count on it).so im just gona end really abruptly right now. i've read ppl's 
blogs which were all sad and dark and the only thing it made me do was  feel just as sad 
as that person, so i'd rather not make you go through all that.  and to all the people who 
actually bothered reading the whole post, i have to say i really appreciate it, its like you 
actually care..haha.
till next time i guess =)

ps. im not actually gonna read through this cuz i might be really 

tempted to just delete this post so if it doesnt really make sense to 

you then...o well, i was never really good at this blogging thing anyway

Saturday, July 21, 2007
8:25 AM

omg!!!its been more than a month since ive posted sumthin haha sorri peeps but im juz 2 darn lazy n i have dis veri stange feelin dat u guys dont care about wads goin on in my life...hmmm......lol anywayz......I GOT DA LAST HARRY POTTER BOOK!!!!lol...ive neva read any of da bks but wen my mum got it i decided to start fr scratch...so now im startin n im halfway through da 1st bk!!!yay me!!!! o n i guys u guys have noticed dat all my profile n stuff is gone(i think i deleted sumthin..haha)but dont worry itll b fixed soon=) n since ive not blogged in a long time ill juz tlk bout more random stuff.....ahemmm.....skool has started alrdy=)i guys its a lil 2 late 4 dat but stil....teehehehehehhehhehehei guess dats all i have 4 ya'll don worry i will keep on postin=)n yeaaah ill b shocked if ppl have not given up on checkin if ive updated but still i juz felt in a veri bloggy mood haha....n i juz wanted to tell all u ppl hu r readin dis....u guys r really cool=) haha

Sunday, June 10, 2007
11:27 PM

You're Totally Sarcastic

You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.
Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.
And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad.

8:21 AM

Got another test 2 do.....haha im beginin 2 lyk doin dis lol check it!!!

1)name one person who made you smile last night: val (we went 4 da dance thingy wif mummy <3 n she did sumthin.....hehehe)

2)what were you doing at 8 this morning? : my eyes were closed n i didnt noe wad i was doin aka sleeping

3) what were you doing 30 mins ago?:i was either bathin or sittin in da car...hmm....

4)what was sumthin that happened to you in 206?:i hated dat yr so im not gonna tlk bout it =)

5)what was the last thing you said out loud?:im checkin da christina auguilera concert seatin plan!!!!(said it t my mum hahahha no one is goin wif me yet peeps so yeah....tell me u wana come wif me)

6)how many different things did you drik today?: 3, h20, hot choc, dis other thing dat has rasberries)

7)what colour is your airbrush?: omg dis is sooo embarrassin haha..i dont noe!!!!!black i think..hmmmmm

8)what was the last thing you paid for?: LARGE ICE LEMON TEA AT DA MOVIES!!!!!

9)where were you last night?:the dance concert=)

10)what colour is your fron door?: doors in white!!!!

11)where do you keep your change?: mah wallet!!!

12)what is the weather like today?: hawt!!!!!!

13)what is the best ice-cream flava?:ummmm..hmmm...

14)what is something you are excited abt?:da date on tues (not wif a guy...damn...)

15)do you want to cut your hair?:juz did it ytday =))))))))))

16)are you over the age of 25?: no thank god!!!!

17)do you talk alot?: alot...haha...if your close to me den yeah..alot...but if ur not den ull think im damn quite =)

18)do you watch the O.C??? nope sadly.....

19)do you know anyone named francis? my cuzzie!!!!!

20)do you make up your own words?: duh....im veriiiiiii gd wif it =)haha

21)are you typically a jealous person?:i donno...lol

22)name a friend whos name starts with the letter 'A' :ATHINA!!!!!!!!!!

23)name a friend whos name starts with the letter 'K' : KIMBERLEY!!!!haha (im best friends with myself=) i tell myself all my secrets..i noe we r soooo clse rite??)

24)whos the first person on your received call list?:i donno....

25)what was the last text message you reeived??:sry im busy in the 30th ask ur mum i just had this feeling dat u were goin to ask me( i was beggin sambavi 2 go 2 da concert wif me=))

26)do you chew on your straws?:3 letters babby :OSC (obssesive straw chewin)

27)do you have curly hair?: only at the ends..its alll in the genes...haha

28)where is the next place you are going to?:i donnoe...long lost sheeep...........

29)who is the rudest person in your life?:do you really wanna noe??

30)what was the last thing you ate? choc fondue!!!(ill show you pics laer..whoot!!!!)

31)is marriage in your future?:i donno sigh....i have my moments wen im lyk hell ya im gonna get married wen i grow up n moments wen im lyk no....i wanna date not get maried...

32)what was the best movie you have seen in the past two weeks?:shrek 3??

33)is there anyone you like right now?:teehehehehheh (does that answer your question?)

34)when was the last time you did your dishes?: a verri long time ago

35)are you currently depressed?:kinda lol....

36)why did you answer and post this quiz?:i think sumthin bad might happen to me...lol...n im diggin it whOooooooooOOOOOOoooooooott!!!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2007
10:17 PM

sup! ok im gonna tell u guys da things dat happened to me durin da last 2 days.......

Fri: woke up at 10.............................lazed around............went lunchin wif mah cuzzin n sibs......we had spizza n i ate lyk half of da large pizza haha soooo full n after lunch my cuz wanted 2 eat ice cream but i couldnt eat at all!!!!soooo sad i was lyk dat ful....could hab puked any moment ......den we went bck..........lazed sum more..............................went out to da movies wif val her sis n bro n cassie n her sis n attan.....we watched shrek 3 haha sooo cute lol....n lyk b4 da movie val spilled he LARGE iced lemon tea on da cashier lol...so dey were lyk its ok it happens all da time..rite....so wen we were in da movies vals sister was lyk sayini if i sat wif val she would spill her drink on me haha so i sat wif her sis...n omg she actually spilled her drink again!!!!! soooooo unlucky rite..haha so after da movies i went hme n i 4got wad i did after dat lol...

Sat: went to dads office wif mummy n did my hair wif her=)))) i now (L) da mag allure... after dat went to da gym.......n after dat we lyk picked val up 2 watch dis dance....it was lyk kinda nice lol.....n by da time dat ended it was lyk 10!!!!! lol... da venue was in republic polytechnic n its lyk located alll da way in woodlands!!!!ahhhh lol...so wen we went bck i showered n watched tv n den wnt 2 bed!!!!

cnt wait 4 tuesday!!!!

9:44 PM

Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves.
People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly.
In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. (sorri 4 doings this to the ppl hu got chosen bcuz i think sumthin evil might happen to me if i don't do this so yeah....blame vivian if u must =))))) )

1)i like singing even though im tone deaf (according to lyk every1 hu has heard me sing)

2)i (L) being lame =)))) (i noe..weird!!!haha)

3)im verrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii funni (actually no1 thinks im funni..haha...i juz lyk sayin im funni)

4)i (L) havin tea especially wif dere r macaroons,brownies,choc cakes (i donno y im writtin dis...i guess its bcuz not many ppl hab tea.....or bcuz im sooo perfect i dont hab anythin weird bout me..hahahhaahahaahahah......c im so funni sigh....no1 appreciates my humour =( )

5)i (L) cute guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )

6) i (L) vivian 4 makkin me do dis (hahahahahahaha)

so da six ppl rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:

=)tricia!!!!!!!(still hate u 4 not goin 2 da concert wif me)

=)min quan!!!!! (still hate u 4 not goin 2 da concert wif me)

=)vivian!!!!!!(hahahahaa....im not sure if i cn do dis but it wld be so cool if u wrote another six weird things about urself)

n since im such a nice gal =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) i shall end wif onli 3 =)


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