hey guys, i cant believe im actually blogging....haha its been like almost a year!!!
anyho today was a really bad day, so im very bleah-ish right now and i just really
wanted to talk to someone, but of course there was noone, and i really didnt want to
relive the horrible events that happened =( so i tot of doing this =) (which kinda means
that im just gona start going on and on about nothing...so if you'd really rather not
waste your time then....yeah you should know what to do) kay so here goes: i came up
with a theory that once your day starts of shit, there's no way you are gonna be able to
make it better, which sucks ALOT...but it always happens to me. but everytime it
happens i actually have this glimmer of hope that maybe just MAYBE it's gonna turn
out to be an awesome day after all.so i should have known that today was suck cause
in the morning ms latifah came into class and she was'nt the happiest person on earth,
and i should have just taken that as a sign o well...but the worst thing was that it was'nt
only one thing that happened today, it was alot of things. i really hate that all bad
things that happen to me have to come together, they just cant come one by one in
their little forms of misery.nope, they have to be united. its been what??the 3rd shit
day in 2 weeks???? its all starting to really suck, and the only way i can make myself
feel better is by telling myself that if its been a horrible day, it only means that there
will be a super awesome day to make up for it. yin yang =) everything has to balance
out. and i guess maybe the bad things that hapened werent really that bad, its just the
fact that it was one thing happening after another, like we had inno sci today and i was
actually looking forward to it, but we switched ova n now im doing moral science which
basically is like PD but not =( i know its really no big deal, and i was actually alright
before that, but after that, everything just started to go downhill, cept maybe the chem
test.i could tell you more, but why would i wana make you feel as bleah-ed out as i do
right now? btw this blogging thing is really making me feel better =) haha...i never
believed it when people swore by blogging to release their stress, but the more i think
of it, the more i think its actually working. i might actually start blogging more (yeah
right, dont count on it).so im just gona end really abruptly right now. i've read ppl's
blogs which were all sad and dark and the only thing it made me do was feel just as sad
as that person, so i'd rather not make you go through all that. and to all the people who
actually bothered reading the whole post, i have to say i really appreciate it, its like you
actually care..haha.